A Free Annual Virtual Conference

Discover how to create a world class organization, inspire greatness in others, and execute a shared vision of the future. 

This event will bring together the best leaders in the industry, representing eight countries and every discipline of emergency services to teach you about leadership FREE -- for a limited time.

Join people just like YOU and start creating great organizational leadership TODAY!

The EMS Leadership Summit is still on.

Our conference has been designed since day one to be a virtual event, helping reach people in any area of the world, democratizing leadership strategy and advice. We are proud of our speakers and partners that have helped us along the way.



WHERE: Online on your phone, tablet, or computer

The World-Class Experts You’ll Soon Be Learning From With The EMS Leadership Summit
 All Access Pass

2020's Featured Expert Speakers

Chris Smetana, AS,FP-C,CCP-C,NRP

Understanding the responsibility of establishing a Just Culture atmosphere that focuses more on education and mentorship than discipline. 

David DanielsMHRM, CSD

To bring about this transformation, EMS leaders will need to be willing to not only re-imaging how service should be delivered to a more diverse community, but be willing to do so in ways that are data driven and consistent with customer needs.

Rishita Jones, MCIPD

As an international expert in leadership development, design thinking and agile workforce development, you'll learn how to create happy, healthy and engaged workplaces through purposeful HR practices and authentic leadership.

Dicken Bettinger, Ed.D.

As a retired licensed clinical psychologist, what I can tell you is, stress in normal but being burdened by stress in not normal and will eventually burn us out. There are new realizations in psychology that allow people to be free of the burden of stress, regardless of the situations you are in.

Maggie Adams 

Communities need EMS, but with less dollars from reimbursement due to decreased volume, managing is difficult (an understatement!) Learn action steps to better manage the documentation, billing and follow-up process so that what reimbursement and payments are available DO get captured. 

Dr. Nadine Levick, MD, MPH

As a world-renowned author, researcher, and passionate advocate for safety in EMS, Dr. Levick will share the latest innovations in prehospital care delivery. Her last 140 slides in 39 minutes nearly broke the internet, so get ready to be amazed again! Remember, better, safer & cheaper is possible.

Lisa Giruzzi, BS

As co-founder of the EMS Leadership Academy and co-host of the EMS Leadership Summit Lisa's passion for coaching, leadership, & organizational change shines through. With over 25+ years of experience, Lisa looks forward to helping prehospital leader from around the world thriver.

Robbie MacCue, MBA, FP-C

As co-founder of the EMS Leadership Academy and co-host of the EMS Leadership Summit Robbie is on a mission to help organizations challenge dogma and create a compelling vision for the future. Rather than thinking IF it can be done, he is taking action and showing HOW it can be done.

Vivian Acquah 

The potential benefits of having a mentor are many. Mentors may help you focus and gain clarity on issues. They may inspire you and provide encouragement and moral support when needed. They may also facilitate access to people in their network that might be a resource for you. 

Tony Walker, ASM, FACPara, MEd // Ambulance Victoria CEO

Learn about ambulance service delivery in the second largest territory of Australia. Explore the role of good strategy, leadership and partnering in helping deliver ambulance and EMS services to a changing world. 

Suzanne Jeffreys, MS Ed

Bye bye burn out, hello healthy! As a Speaker, Tai Chi Instructor, Certified Nutrition Therapist and Fitness Professional for over 27 years, Suz has empowered thousands of people with her signature Harmony of Body & Mind Method to respond, rather than react.

Chris Cebollero, NRP

As a #1 best selling author, healthcare leadership expert, Chris will share his insights and strategies on how modern day EMS leaders can sustain themselves through crisis.

Rebecca Murphy

A leading expert in the world of non-profit governance and excellence, Rebecca has been helping organizations for over 20+ years create thriving and diverse environments.

Thomas Beers, EMT-P, MPA

Learn insights into the current state of community paramedicine (CP) research, discussing the misconceptions and misunderstandings concerning CP programming, and why, if we do not proactively come to a consensus on what we expect from CP, the EMS system as a whole could come crashing down hard. 

Justin Thomas, MPH, PhD(c)

“The Work is Stressful Enough, the System Should not be...” Managing Systems to Promote Worker Well Being within the Organization and Beyond. Learn about the science behind the design of systems and how to directly impact their performance with well-being in mind. 

Wendy Lund, MSc, RN

Leadership as a journey, not a destination. As a provider, an educator, and researcher, Wendy has discovered how the mind is more powerful than you may think in dealing with difficult situations. 

Scott MooreEsq, PHR,SHRM-CP

Scott has held executive positions at several ambulance services in Massachusetts. He is a licensed attorney, specializing in Human Resource, employment and labor law, employee benefits, and corporate compliance matters. Scott is still an active EMT and continues to respond to emergencies as a Fire Fighter in his home town. 

Andrea AbbasMS, NRP, IC

Offering EMS organizations strategies to consider when working to reduce provider turnover. Learn about the recruitment Ferris wheel, scenarios, & current industry concepts and research. The presentation is inspired to provoke discussion and motivate agency positive practices when it comes to recruitment & retention.

Jack SullivanCSP, CFPS

Director of Training, Emergency Responder Safety Institute (ERSI) and a subject matter expert on roadway incident operations and emergency personnel safety with a mission to promotes proactive strategies and tactics for protecting emergency workers from being struck by vehicles.

Barbara Patterson

Barbara Patterson is the owner of a global coaching and consulting company helping entrepreneurs & leaders access more clarity, creativity, have greater impact and higher levels of fulfillment in work and life. She is the founder of Beyond Limits in Business, a global platform and community designed to point people to the source of human potential. That potential resides within and is experienced via our minds.

Timothy Makrides

After 13 years as Military Medic in the Australian Army and a Critical Care Paramedic with the Queensland Ambulance Service, Tim made the move across to BCEHS in Canada where he currently works as the Manager of Critical Care Operations in Vancouver. A change advocate for the move to higher education and self regulation, Tim is currently completing a higher research degree at Monash University focusing on systems of paramedic leadership in the Anglo-American paramedic system.

Joe AckerMA

A change-agent & a roaring advocate for advancing paramedic practice while supporting paramedic systems to achieve professional status and self-regulation. He is the Director of Clinical & Professional Practice for the British Columbia EHS and has been a paramedic for 30 years with clinical, executive, and academic experience in Canada, Australia, the Middle East, Asia, and the United Kingdom. 

Leon BaranowskiMSC, MEd, FHEA, MCPARA

A UK Paramedic and BC ACP with 13 years experience. He has been involved in education both in the UK and British Columbia and understands the requirements needed for a successful transfer of your license and credentials to Canada. Passionate about helping others, he helped developed a website to make the process of moving to Canada more transparent and easier to understand. 

Richard LeeMStJ QAM

Is the Chief Operating Officer at St John Ambulance. St John provides first aid & medical coverage at around 20,000 events per year and provides ambulance support to the NHS. During the first phase of the St John COVID-19 response St John has provided around 200,000 hours of support in hospitals and ambulances. In addition to his St John role Richard is an examiner for the Faculty of Prehospital Care at the Royal College of Surgrons Edinburgh. He is a member of the SCIANA network of European healthcare leaders.

Duncan McConnell, MBA, MCom, GradCert AMBMGT

Duncan’s experience has spanned both metropolitan, rural, military, private industry, international service delivery and aeromedical operations, including developing Ambulance Services in Developing Countries

Paige Mason, BA(Hons.), AEMCA, MA(c)

A Primary Care Paramedic with the Ottawa Paramedic Service. She is an enthusiastic paramedic researcher, passionate about female leadership in paramedicine, organizational culture, and appreciative inquiry. 

Alan Batt, MSc PhD(c) PGCME FHEA

Originally from Ireland, involved in prehospital care for 20+ years, in volunteer, clinical, education, and research roles across nine countries on four continents. Alan’s primary aim is advancing paramedicine by building research and academic capacity within the profession

Mark Tenia

Is the Public Relations Manager at Richmond Ambulance Authority in Virginia, with 10 years experience as a television reporter, he is responsible for promoting RAA's brand as a leader in the international EMS industry. You'll take away some great tips in Mark's presentation designed for the prehospital world.


equality ≠ equity  

To bring about this transformation, EMS leaders will need to be willing to not only re-imaging how service should be delivered to a more diverse community, but be willing to do so in ways that are data driven and consistent with customer need.

David Daniels //  President of ID2 Solutions

let's raise the bar

Like proficiency in medical procedures, i.e., taking blood pressures or endotracheal intubation, professionalism needs to be developed, reinforced, and that standard set by the organization.

Chris Smetana  //  IAMED CEO

Now You’re Probably Wondering, What EXACTLY Will I Get Out Of Attending This Virtual Summit?

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover by joining the free EMS Leadership Summit:

  • A behind the scenes look at how Cleveland Clinic's hospitals are transforming their culture to empower every caregiver to make improvements every day.
  • How to combat burnout and stop toxic attitudes before they spread.
  • Learn the best tools to develop Emotional Intelligence and how that has a direct impact on an organization's front line personnel.
  • Learn practical tools to educate your community and elected officials to further develop trust.
  • How the Standards for Excellence® code of ethics and accountability can build public trust and public support. Learn all about the 6 major areas of nonprofit governance and management that leading national associations have used to create thriving organizations. 
  • What is mindfulness and how can you use it in the most try and difficult moments you'll face as a leader

How’d You Like To Access 30+ World-Class EMS Leadership Masterclasses?

These sessions will show you practices to cultivate your leadership that top people in the industry use and recommend. For a limited time, you can get FREE access to this exclusive content right here.

Why Should I Sign Up For the
EMS Leadership Summit?

Once-In-A Lifetime Curated Speakers 
Actionable Content

Never before seen leadership and organizational change strategies explained by the top EMS and healthcare experts in the world (hand-picked just for the EMS Leadership Summit.)

You Don’t Even Need To Leave Your House — Attend From Your Computer, Phone or Tablet

There’s no flight or hotel room to book… saving you thousands of dollars, unpaid work leave, and time away from your family.

World-Class Quality Content

This not your ordinary online event. We take pride in delivering you the absolute best content so that you can get great results in creating an environment of trust, mutual respect, and excellence.

Leadership Strategies Revealed By Top EMS + Healthcare Experts In The World

Your journey to leadership could go one of two ways:

Long and Difficult Way

  • You could spend thousands dollars and countless hours trying to implement "OLD" outdated leadership strategies you've learned from "so-called experts" that aren't that effective anymore (or worse... don't work at all!) 

Easy & Fast Way

  • You could sign up for the EMS Leadership Summit today and get real insights from the top EMS + Healthcare experts and a step-by-step guide to growing leadership within your organization and along with other organizations.

If you’re looking for your average, run-of-the-mill virtual summit, you’ve come to the wrong place.

If you’re looking for the top EMS Leadership strategies that are working right now, then you’re right at home.

Robbie MacCue


Robbie MacCue

I’m the co-founder of the EMS Leadership Academy, a Flight Paramedic, 14 years of executive leadership experience serving as President and on the board of a nonprofit organization.

My mission is to bring top thought leaders from EMS and healthcare together and deliver the best leadership advice to organizations. If you are ready to put in the work, I’m here to show you the way.

Lisa Giruzzi

Co-Founder of the EMS Leadership Academy, transformational business coach, best selling author and speaker.

My mission is to bring out the best in others and help business leaders operate at their best. From my early days of social work to working with Emergency Services leaders and nonprofits, I've found this work incredibly moving.

If you find yourself challenged, that's a good place to be, and I'm here to help you navigate the sometimes complicated world we find ourselves in.

Past Years' Sponsors - Brought to You By

Thanks to our Media Sponsor:

How’d You Like To Access 30+ World-Class EMS Leadership Masterclasses?

These sessions will show you leadership development practices that top people in the industry use and recommend. For a limited time, you can get FREE access to this exclusive content right here.

© 2025 EMS Leadership Summit is curated by the EMS Leadership Academy.

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