We have an abundance of free resources, articles and special reports available. Soon we will be launching a free eCourse as well!

Below are our premium products available to support your growth & enable us to develop more resources for the EMS community.

Recommended Resources

Our Online Communications Course:
Breathing New Life Into Your Organization

Given the nature of the work you do, doing more with less is adding enormous stress on everyone in your organization, especially the leaders. You do not need the added stress of interpersonal difficulties and conflict. Focusing on communication will enable your organization to transform its culture at all levels.

When you are aware of the Three Little Known Communication Strategies Guaranteed to Breathe Life into Your Organization you can begin to change the nature of the conversations in your organization, which will start you on a path to creating a magnetic organization where people will want to participate.

Our Book:
"Making Good of the Order the BEST Part of Your Meetings"

One opportunity that is rarely leveraged and often overlooked is the “good of the order” section of your meetings.

This book is designed around 12 months worth of short meeting activities with actionable steps and handouts to begin transforming the culture of your EMS organization.

Influence without Arm-Twisting

You will learn strategies from leading communications expert Lisa Giruzzi on how to positively influence others in your organization.

Regardless of whether you hold a leadership position, these strategies will come in handy in many different situations. You can listen over and over again to this 60 minute audio and gain new insights as you practice these strategies.

"Leadership is not about being in charge, it's about taking care of those in your charge"

