We are featuring a TED talk from Amy Cuddy, a Harvard Business School researcher, who tells us proven methods to increase our confidence and power with simple little tips about adjusting our body language. These simple tips also come with a great story!
We frequently talk about how communication impacts our interactions with the people around us. From the patients you treat, to the staff you interact with, to the elected officials who could be making a decision about your organization’s next budget, we all have an impact.
Imagine, that even the communication we have with OURSELVES can have an external impact on those interactions.
Did You Know… “30 seconds of watching [a doctor’s] silent non-verbal interactions with a patient can predict if that physician will be sued or not.”
Don’t fake it until you make it, fake it until you become it.
My Takeaways: Tiny Tweaks –> BIG CHANGES
Our bodies change our minds
…and our minds change our behavior
…and our behavior changes our outcomes.
What will you do to share these ideas with your EMS colleagues? The people who need this the most may not have the resources to find it on their own.
What a great idea worth sharing!
Next Steps…Impact your confidence & power with our communications Mini-Course
If you’d like to dive into how to use our communications framework to powerfully impact your organization and the people around you, sign up for our 1 week mini-course!