Hello! Thank you again for attending our 2014 EMS Leadership Bootcamp Weekend at the High Peaks Resort in Lake Placid for the Mountain Lakes Region.
As promised, here are the resources we talked about this weekend.
- Handouts & Resources
- AI Generic Interview Questions [PDF] – Interview your members (past, present, seasoned or brand new and ask them about their high point experiences. Begin to bring out “the best of” your agency and watch people re-live their best memories.
- Meeting Activity – AI Question [PDF or Word .doc] – Here’s an activity created by a prior EMS Leadership Academy course participant. She shared her commitment to the agency and asked people to share something positive about the agency. At the end she collected & read them out loud.
- Distinctions for Coaching [PDF] – Remember, coaching isn’t about knowing all the answers, it’s about listening and having the person who is asking for coaching think for themselves. Have this document in front of you during your coaching call and practice.
- Hand Out – Operating Principles [PDF or Word .doc] – These operating principles are a powerful list that we’ve seen help eliminate gossip. Invite your leaders to sign them, ask your membership or hiring committee to incorporate this into your on-boarding process. At meetings, ask everyone to read one out loud going around the room.
- EMS Leadership Academy Alumni Group – Join our Email YahooGroup & our facebook group setup for past participants to share their ideas with the community. Send a message to all past participants and share what’s been opening up for you & your organization.
- Communication 911 ! Check out this free event hosted monthly. Bring your biggest, baddest, most bloody communication & leadership issues (or just send them via email). Lisa will talk about ways to approach the situation on her show. It’s free, so send in your questions, sign up today or watch the replay if you can’t make it live.
- – Did you like the Influence without arm-twisting CD? You can access these audios on the go — It’s like having Lisa in your car!
- Key 1: Getting Clear
- Key 2: Influencing Without Arm-Twisting
- Key 3: Speaking to Create
- Key 4: Getting on the Same Page
- Bonus Audio: The 50-50 Myth & Bonus Audio: The Art of Asking
Please comment below with any questions, comments or discussions. If you got something out of the weekend and want to share it, we would love to hear from you!
– Lisa & Robbie
Wow this is awesome thanks guys!!
I agree with Patty, this is great!! It was a great weekend and I picked up a lot of very useful information and tools too. Thank you!!