Recruitment & Retention Free Training

Woohoo! You're registered into our live 90 minute training on EMS Recruitment & Retention. 

  1. Check your email box for registration details.
  2. Mark your calendar with the dates & a reminder. We love to take your questions live. Show up with your camera on and ready to engage.  
  3. Invite someone else in your organization to join in. Just send them to to register.
  4. We've setup a pop-up group on facebook just for this topic.

We also have an 3 day executive leadership training event approaching called EMS Leadership LIVE!

We'll be diving deeper into this conversation of organizational design, creating new results, through our 3 part framework for lasting transformational change. Alter the future of your career and your organization's path, join us LIVE, March 28, 29 & 30 at EMS Leadership LIVE.

Since you signed up for one of our FREE live training Recruitment and Retention 90 minute workshops, we have something for you!

We realized, in looking at the stats from the webinar, not everybody showed up live to get this content. So we sat down and watched the recording of the training, and distilled it down to the most important parts.

Think of it as Cliff Notes for the training -- you know, like those helpful summaries that give you the highlights you need to know in a few short pages!

Key Point: Transformational Leadership is the Key to Effective Recruitment, Retention, and Lasting Change

Secret #1 In order to change your results you have to start with yourself. Focus on becoming a transformational leader first, then that will help you develop and engage others which will lead to creating and sustaining a thriving high performing organization.

Secret #2 If you’ve ever tried to make a change and it didn’t work, consider it’s not your fault. There is a misunderstanding about lasting change at the source of the problem.

“If knowledge were enough, we’d all be rich and thin.”

The traditional approach of adding knowledge, tips and tactics is not enough. Instead, a transformational approach is needed - a shift in your perspective will lead to taking new, more effective actions.

Secret #3 Building a high performing organization requires shifting your focus from the default problem-solving fixing-weaknesses approach to a created future approach where you focus on what you want to create and leverage strengths to achieve it. We HIGHLY encourage you to watch this part of the webinar to experience transformational education and have an “aha” moment!

The COI (Cost of Inaction) - One of the biggest complaints we hear is we don’t have the money to do ______. We need higher pay to recruit people. Consider, you are hemorrhaging money due to TURNOVER which is a surprise to most leaders.

  • 50 people in your organization, 25% turnover x $9,100 = $ 113,750
  • 100 people in your organization, 25% turnover x $9,100 = $ 227,500
  • 500 people in your organization, 25% turnover x $9,100 = $ 1,137,500 (YES, Millions PER year)

The US National average is in the 20-30% range for EMS organizations. A 25% turnover rate means 100% turnover in an organization's staffing every four years. Our training is focused on “stopping the bleed” when it comes to losing talent and the costs associated.

This is why during our training Lisa & I announced the details for our next event, Nov 15, 16, 17. We're calling the event EMS Leadership Live ... and I'd like to personally invite you to join us, from the comfort of your own home or office!

Find out more about EMS Leadership Live HERE!

The potential Return on Investment (ROI) for attending our training is saving thousands of dollars a year - and an enormous amount of stress to overcome your most difficult leadership challenges. The Cost of Inaction (COI) is also huge. What will your organization look like if nothing changes?

"Leadership is not about being in charge, it's about taking care of those in your charge"

