- Ask yourself, what do you really want? Do you want more managers or more independent leaders who can make informed decisions?
- Your people are your biggest asset. Give them the tools, develop them, and invest in them.
- See your #1 job is developing the people around you instead of getting them to do stuff. How will the task you are delegating enhance the skills/talents of the person
- Create more teamwork and multiply your time.
It’s been said before, “Show me your budget (or your calendar) and I’ll show you what your priorities really are.” We have done on-site training, we’ve developed online courses your people can take including Keeping the Best and our THRIVE leadership development membership which includes year round coaching opportunities. The first step is to get on our email list if you’re not already on it.
Welcome to today's EMS leadership, Q & A. And we've got a question here from one of our nine 11 leadership fans. How do I train others to be managers? This is, this is a great question. And I, first of all, I'd like you to ask yourself, is that what you really want? Do you want other managers,
or do you want people that are independent thinkers that are independent leaders who can be, make more informed decisions? Because I think we've all seen those graphics, right? The comparison of, of management versus leadership. And our goal is always to our job as leaders is to create more leaders. Yeah. And, and managers certainly play an important role in any organization.
I mean, they are your biggest asset, right. But you have to be willing to give them the tools and really create agreements with the, your managers. Like, what is their role? You know, how can you help develop them? What do they see are the gaps in their capacity as a leader, and be willing to invest in them?
Because if you want to develop or train managers, you have to be willing to invest not only the time, but also invest in their, in their training and development. You know, instead of getting them to just do stuff, you know, how will the task, or how will managing a project, enhance their skills and talents and help them to see that if you can create more teamwork,
if you can get people more engaged in the project, in the, in the tasks that you want them to complete, you'll multiply your time. And you'll be able to really have a bench of people that you can go to and, and they will appreciate it. And as you said, Lisa, building that bench, it doesn't mean just investing in your current managers or when somebody gets promoted.
Cause often it's going to be too late, right? Sometimes people do experience and the damage could be done quickly. So imagine if we can train that bench of folks that are going to become managers potentially, or just invest in everyone, in our organization, in their own personal development, to help develop them, to give them the tools they need to deal with difficult situations so that when they do take a formal role of leadership,
that they'd have the tools and be more prepared, We believe it starts at onboarding. You want to, you want to train a manager or a leader it's when you're onboarding people. So it's often been said, and we've said it here before, show me your budget or your calendar. And I'll show you what your priorities really are. So Lisa and I have done onsite training for many organizations.
We've developed online courses that your people can take, including our keeping the best program. And our recently developed thrive leadership development membership, which includes year round coaching opportunities. So the first step is to get on our email list. If you're not already there@emsleadershipacademy.com, make sure you're on that list for updates and, and free articles and blog posts and resources. We S we sent out information on our courses and training.
All right. Thanks everyone.