
Free EMS Leadership Training Online 

By Robbie MacCue

The EMS Leadership Academy has designed online leadership training for paramedics and EMTs who serve in the prehospital arena.

Our annual EMS Leadership Summit has connected us with thought leaders throughout the world who are passionate about helping other leaders see a new perspective. Our work is not about just giving more information, it’s about helping people have a transformation in how they operate — how they lead.

EMS DEI Training

We have made a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training available that highlights the importance of identifying biases and having difficult conversations around race, fairness and creating equality in the workplace. In this EMS leadership training participants will have over 3 hours of content and hear from experts both inside of the EMS industry, adjacent to it, and outside of it.

EMS Leadership Academy Online Trainings

Our next training is the online mini-communications course. This program is a powerful training where providers have reported they see their coworkers differently, they see their family members differently, they’ve seen their role in why a situation is the way that it is. With over 800 people taking this short online program with four modules, and completing the interview activity, people can begin to experience change in your organization.

EMS Leadership LIVE is a program where we deliver our core leadership curriculum over 3 days.

Other EMS Leadership & Management Training Programs

In the United States there are programs that have evolved from the Fire Services, and the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland., such as the MEMS (Management of Emergency Medical Services – R0150).

The program is no cost to providers affiliated with emergency services organizations in the US, however it is two weeks of being in person. If your organization can spare you and cover your shift, it would be in their best interest to invest that time and money for their own future as well as yours. It is a very management focused training to give people skills to deal with the challenges of managing tasks. 

Don’t forget to check out our resources of EMS Leadership Q&As. We love to take your questions

ems leadership academy

Upcoming Free Training Webinar

KTB – Coaching Leadership Program


Sign-up for our online Mini Course. A cutting edge tool based on Three Little-Known Communication Strategies Guaranteed to Breathe Life into Your Organization!

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Robbie MacCue

Robbie is the cofounder of the EMS Leadership Academy, host of the EMS Leadership Summit, and paramedic captain in Albany, NY where he serves in the Special Operations Division for ground rescue, flight, & tactical medicine. He performs international medical flights with North America's largest fixed wing Air Ambulance service. For more than 14 years, Robbie served as President of a non-profit EMS organization advocating for increased funding and raising the bar of excellence. In addition, Robbie is an American Heart Association advocate who is passionate about empowering others to save more lives. He has taught physicians, nurses, and other medical providers Advanced Cardiac Life Support at medical schools and hospitals throughout Manhattan. Robbie has undergraduate degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and a MBA from Case Western Reserve University and provides business consulting that combines his love of technology with healthcare.

Robbie MacCue

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